Thursday 21 March 2013


In Korea, D-Day stands for the day to sit for high school exams right if im not mistaken
( kinda like the most important exam for our first step of life )
many inspired by Reply 1997 hahahaha :D
Yea , today 21-3-2013 is my D-day
not the day to sit for exam
but the day my results will be release

Yes i did aim a little for it 
but kinda disappointed , failed to reach it
I did cried quite hard lol
for the unsatisfied results D:
ACTUALLY CAN BE BETTER this is nao what i can say only
yet no choice nao right?
hunger strike? commit suicide? or what?
accept the truth la 

thank you mama & papa and everybody for your console
it make me feel more comfortable  :)
especially mama , as what you said always when i ask you what you expected me to get for spm
i am really touched with your answer
wtf tears anot ;_;
thank you for never give me any pressure in my studies
never ever force me to get flying colours like others 
but you want me to bear this 要做对得起自己的事情
YES i always remember that
thanks God , i am glad that i have a family like this Y_Y

i will not reveal my worst results lah hahahaha
people who know , "shhhh" ah thank you hahaha
first , i want to congrats wenying for your awesome results ! 10A+
so happy you can finally achieved what you hope 
i know you really pay lots of efforts in it! seriously! i can see you 拼了老命 hahaha
good luck in your future and 继续往前冲^^
yixin , congrats also!!! 8A+ 2A already very very very damn freaking super duper good lahh
but i know you still have a little bit disappointed right?
remember you told me what you target for D:
and i also abit shock for your BM T__________T
but never mind la! you still are the best!!! 你已经很好了!!
then jane , you know what , when teacher on the stage announc your results
i cry until cannot T_T (hahahahaha hen gan dong lohh)
9A+ 1B+ !!!!!!! congratssss!!!! so good !!!!
same to you all the best in your future studies and never say never to challenges okay ?
yunshin ! i know your results is damn good too but i dont remember how was it hahaha so sorry
but same la congratulation so proud of you!!!! you know i love you right? hehehe
meixin , 9A 1B !!!!! awwwww congrats lahhh :D 
so happy with your results :) nice job! good luck with your studies in taylor's!!!!
peh ! i forgot your results too sorry - - hahahaha but also damn good lah!!!
congrats also :)) All the best!!
then alice la!!! 8A 2B !!! enough already! nice one!!
as what you told me , we should be proud of ourselves already!
if we think we are bad ; not good enough, but still got many people worse than us right?
Good luck to you also! jia you for future! love you and miss you so much :)
lastly rachel !!! i don't know your results also, but still congrats !!! hehehehe
same as others , jia you for your future studies!!!!!

i am really happy and glad that the girls achieve such flying colours!
so proud of them from ma deep of bottom heart :)

qneyy jinyee jackelyn and kaisze!
good job babehyy 
esp qneyy i am so happy with your achievement ! :)
all the best for your future studies and hahaha we still classmate lol

i would like to thank all teachers who helped me alot in my studies also
thousands of appreciations :)
cik liew for my addmaths!!! thank you for your patient!!!
i fail for my trial and nao at least can get B+ !!! (proud what?)
pn wong and pn lamizah for BM
pn vasanthi for BI
sir selva for economy
pn teh and pn tan for accounts
pn noredah for science
and more more more
teachers who taught me before during my primary and high school 
*90 degrees bow*

so now is the time to step into a new level of my life
do what should do
don't regret in the future as if you fail to achieve what you want
am kinda disappointed with the results D:
so , work more harder in the future when enter college!
for who? for myself !!! 
life no take two ; just once
nice or not , you choose yourself 

people who worry me , i am okay nao hehehe :DD
nahh see still can pose with "2 peace" what!! hahaha
cry also no use ; can't get back to the past, i mean sit again for spm 
so just accept the truth and never lose hope lahh
btw, still happy with the fvking A+ for BM & accounts !!!

byebeye till next time :)


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